This is a continuing work in progress, so expect changes as we move along. Please be patient and enjoy the show.

If you like trains then you have come to the right place. I have been photographing trains since the mid '50's and this has resulted in a rather large collection of slides and photos. Shortly after I began shooting slides, I started taking 8mm movies. My hope was to capture a bit of the essence of regular steam operation before it was all gone. Later in the mid '80's I began to shoot video, starting with vhs, progressing to Hi8 and finally I went digital. So in looking over this list, keep in mind, it is also a history of railfan photography, along with the transformation of the railroads from steam to diesel, and from many to a few.

My friends and I did a lot of train chasing throughout the States and Overseas. Our main concern was steam wherever we could get it, in the States, overseas, and even in China. However we did not neglect diesels or electric traction whenever we came across it. If it ran on rails we shot it. The result is a rather large collection of railroad photography which I am happy to share. You can click on any area of interest below, to see what is available. (Slide Shows, Szwajkart Vintage 8's, Other Vintage 8's, Steam dvd's, Diesel dvd's, Traction dvd's, Overseas dvd's, and Books.)

For those interested in purchasing items, you can order using either an expedited way or a slow method. (For those interested in more than one dvd, I'd suggest you contact me to see if there is a better deal available, before ordering.)

The fast way, Paypal

Send me an email using the link on the bottom of this, any page or on the "Contact Me Page". Tell me what you want, and if a bunch of dvd's are ordered, we can negotiate a price. Also provide a shipping address. I 'll follow up with a Payal invoice which allows you to use either a credit card or your Paypal account to pay. Instructions come with it. Your order ships when I receive a notice from PayPal that payment is complete. I will let you know that shipment has been made.

The slow way

You can send a check with your order, to me at P.O. Box 163, Brookfield, IL 60513. I check the Box once a week and after I receive your order I'll send it out to you. To make sure I get your order, I'd suggest you let me know you are sending it, using the contact me notice at the bottom of each page.


Look Here for the latest.

First off. For those wanting to save bucks, I do sell at railroad shows at different times of the year. I will be at the Great Train Show at Wheaton, IL , the next time they are open. Right now I have no idea as to when, but keep in touch. So why not stop and say hi and maybe purchase a dvd at a saving. I will be providing details when they are available.


Kane CountyRailroad Show and Sale  Sunday June 13, 2021

Kane County Fairgrounds

525 S Randall Rd.

St Charles, IL

From 10 am to 3 pm

I will have three tables with my dvd's, Books, and a bunch of other railroadiana, including Items from the Bruce Meyer Collection.  So stop by if you get a chance and check everything out.  Hope to see a bunch of you there.

The other thing is that I just finished another new dvd. This time it covers the EJ&E and is a two disc dvd set. I'll have copies at the Wheaton show and will when I have some time add it to the Slide Show list. (It is not only a slide show but also has lots of video) More later. It is now listed. Check the Slide Show listing for more details. What's unique about this is that I now have all the major Chicago Belt lines covered, that is the IHB - B&OCT, BRC and now the EJ&E.

Have also just completed another dvd, one that I have wanted to do for quite some time. This new one is a slide show on the Lake Michigan Car Ferries. It is not just about the boats, but also has lots of trains shots of GB&W and AA operations, tied to the car ferries. I also have shots of the GTW, C&O and SOO ferry operations. You can check it out on the Slide Show page.

A lot of my slide shows, early movies, and videos are about the railroads in the Chicago area. And this shows by my publication of the Chicago Guide. Now I have learned about a brand new book on one of Chicago's switching railroads the B&OCT. I mention it in the CGW and IHB Slide Shows, and there are shots of B&OCT trains in my and Felstead's movies. The railroad is a major player in the Chicago Switching District, yet is is rather obscure. Dave Leider has just introduced "The Baltimore & Ohio Chicago Terminal History" covering the railroad from its' suburban Chicago beginnings, through the construction of Grand Central Station, in Chicago, and the realigning of the railroad complex on the southwest side of downtown Chicago. It is in part the usual mile by mile development of the B&OCT, but Dave also looks at the personalities involved and how they were able to reach their objectives. This is an interesting Book and provides a much needed look into the Chicago Railroad scene. Steam and diesel rosters are also included along with a lot of additional material. Price is $50.00 including postage in the U.S. You can order it at