I have finally been able to figure out what to do with my extensive slide collection, put it on dvd for everyone to enjoy. A start has been made with the following releases. Many were initially presentations made to large groups of railfans or model railroaders. The conversions worked out so well that I will be releasing other sets of slides in the future, but the subject matter is yet to be determined. All are about an hour long and include at least 280 slides or more in each set.

     For the curious, I started shooting trains seriously in 1952.  I started with a simple b&w camera that required no adjustments, but quickly progressed to a 35mm camera.  I have gone through a bunch of cameras, and continue with film even today.  My slide collection is quite large, including steam up to its' last days, diesels from the 50's on to date, traction, in the States and overseas, and overseas railroads.  A few years after starting with 35mm, I purchased a 8mm movie camera and shot a lot of movies, which can be seen in the Vintage 8"s sections. In the mid-80's, I progressed to video and as a result now I have a lot of material to use in these programs.  

     A number if the slide shows are multi-media presentations.  That is, they include not only colored slides, but also b&w photos, colored movies, from the Vintage 8ā€™s Collections, and video from my video collection.  In one instance, and possibly on other future shows, I have included tape recorded audio from my audio collections.  These were made to be used with my vintage movies, but it was only recently  that I was able to make it work out.

     On most there is no narration. This may seem strange, but it works. I have provided enough information with each slide or set of slides, to make them self explanatory. Thus no additional comments are necessary. And this gives you and your friends watching with you, an opportunity to provide commentary of your own. Each is your private slide show in a convenient package.

     Prices for the dvd's are: $25.00 ea. for single disc programs. Two disc sets, marked (*), are $40.00 ea. When buying more than one, contact me for a better price. All prices include first-class postage and packaging. Illinois residents please add 10% for sales taxes.

SS1 cover

SS1 IC SLIDE SHOW Was a presentation made to ICHS a couple of years ago at their annual meeting at Decatur. It covers the IC from steam in the mid-50's into the diesel era. Then follows the road through various changes from orange and white, into the ICG era, back to basic black and white and into the merger with the CN. Most of the shots are outside of Chicago with an emphasis on Central Illinois. (more IC can be found on A1, CF2, and TW52) Single disc $25.00 ea.

SS2 cover

SS2 C&NW SLIDE SHOW Was a presentation made to the C&NWHS at their annual Chicago Area get-together after Trainfest. In it I covered the C&NW in and around the Chicago area, beginning with steam in commuter service in the mid 50's and continued into the diesel era up to the mid 70's. Coverage includes places such as Deval, Clybourn Station, Downtown, Noble Street, Elmhurst and many other locations visited while preparing the Chicago Guide. More C&NW can be found on C6, D7, SS3, SS4, SS5, TW3, TW19 and TW61.) Single disc $25.00 ea.


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SS3 CGW and IC ON THE WEST SIDE A presentation recently given to a group of model railroaders. It follows the CGW from Chicago's west side to Elmhurst and then returns over the IC Iowa Division back to Chicago's west side. Time interval covered is from the mid 50's to the present and looks at the varied power used on each line up to their merger into a larger system. Also includes some IC steam used on the line. Single disc $25.00 ea.

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SS4 The CGW COLLECTION A multi-media presentation that combines Black & White photos, old movies and modern video along with colored slides into a presentation on the Chicago Great Western. Coverage is primarily around the Chicago Area during the diesel era from 1952 until the demise of the railroad in 1968. Then looks at what happened to the railroad and its' locomotives after merger with the C&NW. Single disc $25.00 ea.

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SS5 THE UP IN CHICAGO - 1960 to 2000 A presentation given to the UPHS on July 2007 at their meet in Chicago. It begins with a look at the different railroads in the Chicago area in the early 60's, the Class 1's and the local railroads unique to the Chicago area. Then there is an examination of UP power pools that ran on various railroads in the area and the changes that took place as railroads merged and changed through the 70's, 80's and into the 90's. A bonus section is included and it covers new UP diesels as they were delivered from EMD, which is in the Chicago area. (See also D7, and TW27) Single Disc $25.00 ea.

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SS6 THE MILWAUKEE ROAD'S SOUTHEASTERN DIVISION - is an examination of the Milwaukee Road's Line into Indiana from the end of steam operations into the modern diesel era. It starts with a brief look at the history of the line, using maps from old Railroad Guides. Next the end of the steam era is examined, using a mix of b&w photos and colored slides. First generation EMD F-units replace steam in the mid 50's and they in turn are displaced by FM's. Next come the GP's, followed by second generation power and the unique Milwaukee rebuilds. As the railroad restructured and grew, bigger power, SD40's and 45's, move in. Finally the Milwaukee Road fails and the Soo Line takes over. Slide coverage is primarily in the Chicago area, along the IHB, and in and around Latta, IN. This is a piece history covering of a remote and obscure part of the Milwaukee Road. (See also TW79) Single Disc $25.00 ea.

SS7 cover


SS7 THE SANTA FE IN CHICAGO - was presented to the SFH&MS at their 2009 Convention in the Chicago area. A mix of b&W and colored slides, it is a combination of two presentations made to them during the convention, one a clinic on the Crossings in Chicago and the other on Dearborn Station. The first part looks at the Santa Fe from 21st Crossing, through Bridgeport, Ash Street, Corwith, Nerska, McCook to Joliet Union Station. Points in between include Willow Springs, Lemont and Romeoville. The program on Dearborn Station, covers not only the railroads and operations at the station, but also looks at the 16th Street complex, the Santa Fe passenger yard and shops, 21st Street Crossing and C&WI commuter operations. Time line for all this extends from the 60's into the early Amtrak era. (For more ATSF action see TW58 Pt 1&2, TW58 Pt 3, and TW81 Pts 1&2 plus steam on TW26) Single disc $25.00 ea.

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SS8 The INDIANA HARBOR BELT by John Szwajkart This slide show examines the origins of the IHB and how the combined trackage agreement with the B&OCT came about. Besides the history of the line, there is a look at some of the steam used on the line. Next the diesel roster is examined, first through the various color schemes used, followed by a close look at the different models the IHB purchased. Most of the switchers remained in use into the early '90's when the railroad began to look at new and more powerful units. This transitional period is covered along with a look at some of the newest diesels on the line. The show concludes with photos of the Harbor cabooses and a gallery of shots not included earlier. (Suggest you also look at TW49 Pts 1&2 and TW49 Pt 3) Single disc $25.00 ea.

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SS9 A MILWAUKEE ROAD Slide Show by John Szwajkart This show is a mix of B&W photos and colored slides showing steam and diesels as they appeared in the Chicago area in the early 50's, with an emphasis on the Milwaukee Road. By early "55 steam was gone and long scrap lines appeared. Then suddenly, the fall "55 grain rush, left the road short of power and steam reappeared. It was great, but lasted only a short time and then it was gone. This show is a record of an evolving railfan photographer and a look at the demise of steam on the Milwaukee Road. A bonus section on the "48 - "49 Railroad Fair, offers an added opportunity to compare my photographic styles before and after encountering other photographers. (Suggestions for more Milw Steam, check C6, TW32, TW34, and TW69) Single disc $25.00 ea.

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SS10 A C&IM Slide Show by John Szwajkart. This collection of slides covers the C&IM between 1955 and 1996. Steam and diesel are included. The first part covers early, 1955, trips to Springfield, to shoot steam just before it was gone. Next is the diesel section, covering nearly the complete diesel roster with many, if not all, different color schemes used. Then the railroad is shown , starting from Taylorville north, through Springfield to Havana and on to Pekin. This ends with a look at some of the railroad equipment, preserved locomotives and equipment, and some of the off-line use of C&IM diesels. (Additional C&IM material can be found on A!, CF2, and TW9) Single disc $25.00 ea.

SS11 BRC cover


SS11 THE BELT RAILWAY of CHICAGO Slide Show by John Szwajkart This is a four part show, beginning with a look at the Alco and EMD diesel units used on the BRC. Since the color scheme remained the same throughout the years, the only exception being the Bicentennial scheme, this is covered extensively, as it remained in use for a number of years. As for the rest of the roster, it began to change in the 90's, when the old management retired. Then replacements were obtained. In the next section the railroad is covered from South Chicago, west to Clearing Yard and then north. A third section covers transfer runs on the B&OCT and IHB, while the last part is a photo gallery of extra EMD and Alco shots. (This dvd complements and adds to the material on TW16 Pts 1&2) Single disc $25.00 ea.

SS12 cover

SS12 The LAST of NYC STEAM Slide Show by John Szwajkart This was a presentation given to the NYCSHS in 12016 covering steam operations in the Chicago area from 1952 to the end of steam in 1956, using a mix of B&W photos, colored slides and 8mm movies. The show begins at LaSalle Street Station, then covers places such as Roosevelt Road Bridge, 16th Street Crossing, and Englewood Station. Next movies of NYC steam powered trains, cover the line east into Indiana. By 1956 steam was gone from Chicago, but it continued to be used on the Big Four, coming as close ;to Chicago as Kankakee, south of the City. It was easy to reach by train and by car so two trips are covered, one in '55 and the other in '56. Both are combined to illustrate a typical day. All this concludes with a series of movies showing Hudson powered passenger trains departing and arriving. A bonus is the addition of the actual sound, recorded on the '56 trip using an early tape recorder, of both Hudsons in action. A rare opportunity to see and hear NYC steam. (Also check out B3, CF1, and A1, the source of these movies.) Single disc $25.00 ea.

SS13  The EJ&E Story by John Szwajkart This is a two-disc set covering the ā€œJā€ from the beginning to the merger with the CN..  It is different from previous slide shows, even though it is still a multi-media program, with slides on one disc and video on the other, which together examine the history, route and equipment of the EJ&E.  Part one,all slides, covers the growth and development of the line along with a look at some of the locomotives and cabooses.   Part 2, all video, illustrates the changes that took place after USSteel began to downsize and got rid of the railroad.  Two-disc set $40.00 ea.

SS14  LAKE MICHIGAN CAR FERRIES AND THEIR RAILROADS by John Szwajkart.  This all slide program provides a look at the GTW, C&O, AA and SOO car ferries in service in the 70's and 80's.  The dvd starts with a look at each of the ferries, then proceeds to an examination of the major ports on Lake Michigan on both the Wisconsin and Michigan sides, plus a look at the railroads that served them.  Next is a ride across the Lake, one at night with the C&O Badger and the other a daytime return trip on the AA Viking.  This is followed with a chase of the GB&W Boat Train, in the M-WTC era and a look at loading of the boat.  It all ends with a bonus selection of photos taken by Jim Neubauer at a number of different locations.  A peasant and enjoyable reminder of that which is now gone.    Single disc $25.00 ea.